Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pics from home.

Faux Bois vase.

Valentines Scrap

Window display.

Monday, January 24, 2011

St. Valentines Decorating

The chandelier in the dining room has paper currents and paper dollies hearts bellow.

The top of the chandelier has little cherubs playing instruments.

Vintage valentines daisy chain.

Colorful poppies. I left the red bulbs from Christmas towards the front of storage because I wanted to use them a month later.

My little brass puttis.

Very heavy.

Some of my valentines like this garden waif was a scent bottles from avon .

Paper mache trays with valentine candy boxes.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Room Photographs.

I put tables next to my bed for a nightstand. They all end up being covered in books. The small pine stool is where I keep water or tea to drink.

After cleaning all day I forgot to put away extension cord I was using to buff floors.My closet in the foreground is still pink!

I'm on a country patchwork kick. Its timeless.